Warco WM-250V Drip Tray
The lathe we currently have is a Warco WM-250V. This is a great little import lathe and has allowed us to expand our skills and capabilities. As with all bench top lathes, it has it’s limitations (parting off is a fun task!).
The dimensions of the drip tray and the lathe mounting feet are given in the manual, but they are pretty vague.
We have modelled the drip tray and have a .step file available to download HERE. Hopefully this allows you to design your bench a little easier before your lathe arrives! The edge corners are welded up and ground back (not shown in model).
The most important thing to take note of is that the lower edges of the brim (vertically speaking) are actually LOWER than the main underside face of the tray itself! This means you’ll need to sandwhich something in between the bench top and drip tray, otherwise you’ll have the lower brim edges supporting the load of the lathe on the bench, or you’ll bend the drip tray if the lathe is heavy enough and you torque it FT.
Here at JMech, we used a board of 18mm ply cut to just within the inner dimensions. This should also help with dampening vibrations.
A 2D .pdf drawing of the drip tray dimensions will be available soon!
Another thing to note is that the underside of the tray has a welded boss on it. This is for connection of a fluid drain. The adapter comes with the lathe in the wee toolbox.
A final point of note is that the holes measure for an M16 bolt. Despite our bench matching the drip tray holes, the holes in the cast feet of the lathe didn’t exactly match up! We had to dremel out verging on half a hole out of the tailstock hole, toward that end in order for the lathe to fit the drip tray and bench. You may get away without doing so if you use smaller bolts, say M14, but we wanted a bit of a tighter fit as opposed to lots of clearance.
We used M16 bolts which gave a nicer fit.
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